Kriya Yoga by Lahiri Mahasaya: Benefits & Techniques

Kriya Yoga by Lahiri Mahasaya ( ” Kriya Yoga Lahiri ” )

Kriya Yoga by Lahiri Mahasaya  is a very old meditation method that helps you control your energy and breath, called pranayama. It’s part of a bigger spiritual journey that includes other meditation practices and living a good, balanced life.

Mahavatar Babaji Lahiri Mahasaya

For many years, Kriya Yoga was kept secret. It was brought back to the world in 1861 by a great yogi named Mahavatar Babaji, who taught it to Lahiri Mahasaya in the cave. Lahiri Mahasaya then passed it on to his student Sri Yukteswar, who taught it to many others, including Paramhansa Yogananda.

Paramhansa Yogananda made Kriya Yoga famous through his book Autobiography of a Yogi and by teaching it in the West. Today, Kriya Yoga is still taught through a continuous line of spiritual teachers.

Babaji Cave near Ranikhet
Babaji Cave: Birth Place of Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga Teachings by Lahiri Mahasaya

Lahiri Mahasaya’s teachings emphasize spiritual detachment and the pursuit of divine connection through Kriya Yoga. The  Kriya Yoga by Lahiri Mahasaya is also known as ” Kriya Yoga Lahiri ”  It i Here are some key points from his teachings:

( Purpose of Kriya Yoga ” Kriya Yoga Lahiri “ )

Detachment from Material Bonds:
    • Understand that you do not belong to anyone, nor does anyone belong to you.
    • Recognize that one day you will have to leave everything behind, so establish a connection with God now.
Preparation for the Astral Journey:
    • Prepare for the journey of death by rising each day with divine perception.
    • Don’t be trapped by the illusion of the physical body; instead, focus on the eternal essence.
Practice of Meditation:
    • Meditate regularly to realize yourself as the Essence of Infinity, free from human suffering.
    • Use Kriya Yoga as a means to transcend the limitations of the body and connect with the Spirit.
Religious Practice Across Traditions:
    • Just as Muslims perform namaz five times a day, Hindus should meditate regularly, and Christians should pray and read the Bible.
    • Engage in practices that foster a direct connection with God rather than just reading scriptures.
Overcoming Theological Dogmas:
    • Clear your mind of religious dogmas and allow the healing waters of direct perception to guide you.
    • Tune into your Inner Guidance, which provides answers to life’s dilemmas.
Mindset for Kriya Yoga Practice:
    • Approach Kriya Yoga Lahiri with the awareness of your own insignificance in the grand scheme and the inevitability of leaving everything behind.
    • Maintain vigilance and be prepared for this eventual reality, avoiding the sorrow and regret that comes with sudden loss.


Kukuchina Village Mahavatar Babaji Cave
Kukuchina Village at Cave

Kriya Yoga in Bhagavad Gita

Kriya Yoga by Lahiri Mahasaya :  It is an ancient meditation technique discovered by illumined sages in India. Lord Krishna praised it in the Bhagavad Gita, and Patanjali mentioned it in his Yoga Sutras. The method was lost for centuries but reintroduced by Mahavatar Babaji. Lahiri Mahasaya became the first openly teaching disciple in modern times.

Babaji then instructed Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri to train Paramahansa Yogananda and send him to the West to spread Kriya Yoga. Yogananda established the Yogoda Satsanga Society of India in 1917 and Self-Realization Fellowship in 1920 to make this profound practice accessible worldwide.

Paramhansa Yogananda

Kriya Yoga by Lahiri Mahasaya ? His spiritual journey took him from his early years in India to his mission in the West. Yogananda had a deep connection with Kriya Yoga and dedicated his life to sharing its transformative teachings with the world. He founded two organizations, the Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) and the Yogoda Satsanga Society (YSS), to continue his work and spread the practice of Kriya Yoga.

Where to learn Kriya Yoga ( Kriya Yoga Lahiri  )

Here is the list of the  Kriya Yoga Centre in India ( ” Kriya Yoga Lahiri ” ), where you can learn Kriya Yoga in India

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Kriya Yoga Babaji India
Kriya Yoga Babaji India

Kriya Yoga Institute ( Kriya Yoga Lahiri )

      • In India, there are various Institutes where you can practice Kriya Yoga Lahiri . The headquarters of YSS and SRF in Kolkata serve as spiritual hubs and institutes for Kriya Yoga teachings and practices.
      • The historic Ranchi school, also founded by Yogananda, imparts Kriya Yoga and spiritual education to students. Additionally, there are several other Kriya Yoga centers in different cities across India, providing a nurturing environment for spiritual seekers.
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Mahavatar Babaji cave in India
Mahavatar Babaji cave in India

Mahavatar Babaji’s Cave

      • One of the most significant places associated with Kriya Yoga Lahiri is the Mahavatar Babaji’s Cave. Mahavatar Babaji is an immortal yogi, and his cave holds great mystical importance. It says that Babaji engaged in deep spiritual practices in this cave.
      • Yogananda undertook a profound pilgrimage to this cave, where he experienced divine communion and received spiritual guidance. The connection between Yogananda, Kriya Yoga, and Mahavatar Babaji is deeply spiritual, as their teachings and practices converge in the pursuit of self-realization.
Suggested Read- Where is Mahavatar Babaji Now?
Mahavatar Babaji Cave
Mahavatar Babaji

Kriya Yoga Techniques by Lahiri Mahasaya ?

It is an advanced Raja Yoga technique.  Kriya Yoga Lahiri  offers a direct approach to meditation, focusing on energy and consciousness. By practicing Kriya, subtle currents of life energy in the body become natural, leading to a natural slowing down of heart and lung activity.

This process elevates consciousness to higher levels, resulting in a profound inner awakening that surpasses ordinary human experiences. Kriya Yoga Lahiri is a scientific method, likened to mathematics in its sure and methodical efficacy. It provides a way to prove the scriptural truth that man is a living soul, not just a perishable body.


      • Where to learn kriya yoga in India: There are 100 of centers to learn Kriya yoga in India but the most famous center is YSS
      • Where to learn Kriya yoga: Go to YSS to learn Kriya  Yoga in India ( Mahavatar Babaji Lahiri Mahasaya )
      • Where can I learn kriya yoga in India: YSS is the best option to learn Kriya Yoga in India.
      • Why is kriya yoga secret: It is higher technique so, a bit confusing for common person.
      • How many types of kriya yoga are there: There are 2 Types of Kriya Yoga
      • How to learn kriya yoga in India:  YSS Kriya yoga center is the best option to learn Kriya Yoga in India.
      • What is Kriya Yoga? Kriya yoga is higher science of breathing
      • What is Kriya Yoga Technique ? You must approach a Guru to learn it
      • Mahavatar Babaji Lahiri Mahasaya: Lahiri Mahasaya is the disciple of the Babaji.



Namaste! I am Om. I am a licensed Tourist Guide ( Approved by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India), I’m originally from Varanasi. Now, I am living in Rishikesh. I set up this blog to share my tips and experiences for traveling to inspire and help you to travel more. Hari Om

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