Where is Mahavatar Babaji Now?: historical accounts
Where is Mahavatar Babaji Now? An Ageless Yogi is famous for his immortality and his ability to change his physical appearance. According to popular belief, he has been teaching Kriya yoga for over 2,500 years to yogis and maha yogis in the Himalayas of Uttarakhand.
Overview: Where is Mahavatar Babaji Now
Throughout his lifetime, Mahavatar Babaji has been changing his physical appearance 34 times. He is a master of Kriya yoga, an ancient and powerful form of yoga that focuses on spiritual awakening and inner transformation
According to spiritual beliefs, Mahavatar Babaji is accessible to those who are ready to connect with him. He can appear in visions or respond to the calls of those who meditate on him. However, there is no concrete proof of the validity of Mahavatar Babaji’s age or existence.
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Where is Mahavatar Babaji Now
Mahavatar Babaji is an Indian Yogi who is named by several of his disciples including Lahiri Mahasaya and Sri Yukteswar, Swami Keshvananda, Baba Nasib Singh Ji, Ram Gopal Muzumdar, Swami Pranabananda Giri, and Sri Paramhansa Yogananda. These all masters reported encounters with him between 1861 to 1935.
Sri Yukteswar Giri provided another story in his 1894 book The Holy Science. According to Sri M’s autobiography, Babaji was Lord Shiva. According to other Biographies, Babaji has been living in the remote Himalayan regions of India for thousands of years, and only a handful of people have seen him in person so far (including Yogananda).
Mahavatar Babaji Age
According to Yogananda’s Autobiography, Babaji lived in the remote Himalayan regions of India for at least 400 years. It has been decades since he opens up to us because he does not want to be worshiped as a guru. Rather, he wants people to learn how to stand on their own two feet and make their own way of life.
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is Mahavatar Babaji still Alive
( Where is Mahavatar Babaji Now )
Babaji’s life remains a mystery. A little we know about him with certainty. The information that we do have comes from accounts left behind by various spiritual teachers and their followers. For example, in “Autobiography of a Yogi,” Yogananda Paramahansa’s followers report that Babaji died at the age of 125 during an eclipse. In Lahiri Mahasaya’s “Satyananda Gita,” Babaji is also said to have been 125 years old.
However, there are varying accounts of Babaji’s origins and lifespan. According to Rajaji Vijayateertha, a disciple of Lahiri Mahasaya and the first recipient of Kriya Yoga initiation, Babaji appeared around 500 years ago. Despite these reports, there is no concrete evidence to confirm the accuracy of these claims.
Due to the lack of devotion to Babaji, his life and teachings remain the subject of speculation and interpretation. Nevertheless, his teachings continue to inspire and guide spiritual seekers around the world. His legacy lives on through the practice of Kriya Yoga and other spiritual disciplines.
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Babaji Age
( Where is Mahavatar Babaji Now )
According to the book “Autobiography of a Yogi,” Mahavatar Babaji is an ageless master who is said to be an immortal yogi who has lived for centuries and resides in the Himalayas. We don’t know the details of his birth or life, but we do know that he has made an incredible impact on people all over the world who have heard about him.
Babaji and Jesus
( Where is Mahavatar Babaji Now )
According to Yogananda’s book The Second Coming of Christ, Jesus Christ traveled to India and met with Mahavatar Babaji. Mahavatar Babaji is living for at least 2000 years. if this is true. Mahavatar Babaji’s father was the local village priest according to Govindan’s book “Encountering: A Journal of Cosmic Consciousness”.
Despite the mystery surrounding his current whereabouts, Mahavatar Babaji’s teachings continue to inspire and guide spiritual seekers around the world. Many believe that he exists beyond the physical realm and remains a guiding presence for those on the path of self-realization and enlightenment.
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