Maldevta Waterfall: Exploring offbeat Dehradun

Are you tired of the hustle and bustle of city life? Craving a serene and rejuvenating escape into nature’s embrace? Look no further than the enchanting Waterfall Maldevta Dehradun Uttarakhand– a hidden fall amidst the picturesque landscapes, just waiting to be discovered. Join me on a virtual journey as we explore the mesmerizing beauty and tranquility of this nature’s masterpiece.

It is amidst the scenic hills of Dehradun,  is a delight for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike – the Maldevta Waterfall. This mesmerizing waterfall is  about 10 kilometers away from the main city and is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. In this blog, we will take you on a journey to explore the breathtaking Maldevta Waterfall.

Suggested Read – Best Waterfall in Uttarakhand 
During Monsoon
During Monsoon
Arrival at Maldevta Valley

As we arrived at the Maldevta valley, a serene ambiance welcomed us, seemingly sweeping away the stresses of our daily lives. The entrance to the waterfall greeted us with a narrow trail bordered by trees, guiding us further into the embrace of nature’s heart.

The sound of chirping birds and the rustling of leaves accompanied our steps, creating a soothing symphony that set the tone for our adventure.

Trekking to the Waterfall

The trek to the waterfall is a moderate one, offering a delightful blend of excitement and tranquility. The path is well-marked and relatively easy to navigate, making it suitable for both novice and experienced trekkers. As we ventured further, the lush canopy above provided a cool respite from the sun’s warmth, and the occasional glimpse of the clear blue sky above was nothing short of enchanting.

Suggested Read – Maldevta Dehradun – What makes Maldevta Unique? 
During Summer
During Summer

Maldevta Waterfall Unveiled

As we approached our destination, the sound of rushing water grew louder, teasing our senses and increasing our anticipation. And then, suddenly, as if nature itself was unveiling a well-kept secret, the Maldevta Waterfall came into view. A magnificent cascade of water tumbled down from the rocky cliffs above, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that held us captivated.

 Relishing the Serenity

After our dip, we found a cozy spot on the rocky shores to spread out a picnic. The sound of the waterfall provided a soothing backdrop as we savored delicious homemade treats while surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of nature. It was a moment of pure contentment, where time seemed to stand still.

A Responsible Traveler’s Pledge

As we reluctantly began our journey back, we were reminded of the importance of responsible travel. We ensured that we left no trace of our visit behind, respecting the natural environment and leaving it as untouched as we found it. It’s our collective responsibility to preserve the beauty of such hidden treasures for generations to come.

A Farewell to Maldevta: 

As we drove away from Maldevta, our hearts were heavy with the bittersweet emotion of leaving behind such a magical place. The memories of the clear water, the lush forests, and the invigorating waterfall would forever remain etched in our minds. Maldevta Waterfall had offered us a glimpse of paradise, a sanctuary of serenity and a rejuvenating escape from the everyday.

Best Time to Visit

The prime time to explore the beauty of Maldevta Waterfall is from October to March, characterized by pleasant weather and the waterfall’s peak water flow. Nevertheless, this enchanting location remains open for visits throughout the year, with the exception of the monsoon season. During monsoons, which typically fall between June and September, the water flow becomes perilous and the pathways can get slippery, making it a less safe time to enjoy this natural wonder.


if you’re seeking a place that reconnects you with nature’s splendor, Maldevta Waterfall is an absolute must-visit. From traversing the winding roads to beholding the breathtaking waterfall itself, you’ll cherish every single moment of this experience.


Namaste! I am Om. I am a licensed Tourist Guide ( Approved by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India), I’m originally from Varanasi. Now, I am living in Rishikesh. I set up this blog to share my tips and experiences for traveling to inspire and help you to travel more. Hari Om

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