Rajaji Tiger Reserve Conservation Foundation

Rajaji Tiger Reserve is nestled in the picturesque state of Uttarakhand. The Rajaji Tiger Reserve stands as a testament to India’s commitment to preserving its rich natural heritage. While it was declared a Tiger Reserve in 2015. The journey towards establishing Rajaji Tiger Reserve Conservation Foundation, much like the Corbett Tiger Reserve,. It has been a long-awaited milestone.

Today, we delve into the exciting developments as the proposal for the Rajaji Tiger Reserve Conservation Foundation nears approval in the state cabinet.

A Step Towards Conservation:

The Rajaji Tiger Reserve Conservation Foundation’s proposal marks a major step forward in the continuous endeavors to safeguard the magnificent tigers and the incredible biodiversity in this breathtaking natural setting. The foundation will have a crucial role in directing a significant share of the revenue generated by tiger safaris and tourism toward tiger preservation and diverse community projects.

The Journey So Far:

The mandate under the Wildlife Protection Act has necessitated the formation of a Tiger Conservation Foundation. However, due to technical hurdles, this crucial step had remained pending. Recent directives from Principal Secretary Forest RK Sudhanshu have set the wheels in motion, and a draft proposal and it is awaiting approval in the upcoming cabinet meeting.

The Governing Body:

Upon establishment, the Rajaji Tiger Reserve Conservation Foundation governs by a dedicated body, headed by the Forest Minister. The Principal Secretary and Vice President of Forests, along with the Chief Conservator of Forests, Chief Wildlife Warden, and representatives from relevant departments. It will comprise the members of this body. Furthermore, an executive committee. It will be under the Director of the Tiger Reserve. It will collaborate on the foundation’s activities, forwarding recommendations to the Governing Body.

The Importance of the Foundation:

Previously, all income generated from tourism activities went into general revenue funds. However, with the foundation’s establishment, a portion of these funds will now release to the foundation’s account, enabling support for various tiger conservation initiatives.


The impending formation of the Foundation is a promising development for wildlife enthusiasts, conservationists, and nature lovers alike. As the proposal awaits approval in the cabinet meeting. We can anticipate a brighter future for the majestic tigers and the stunning biodiversity within the Rajaji Tiger Reserve. Stay tuned for updates on this significant milestone in India’s conservation journey.


Namaste! I am Om. I am a licensed Tourist Guide ( Approved by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India), I’m originally from Varanasi. Now, I am living in Rishikesh. I set up this blog to share my tips and experiences for traveling to inspire and help you to travel more. Hari Om

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