Landour in Mussoorie, Uttarakhand: Uncover the Monsoon’s Magic

Explore the serene beauty of Landour in Mussoorie, a peaceful hill station nestled in the lush hills of Uttarakhand. From scenic walks and historic landmarks to delightful local cuisine and vibrant nature reserves, uncover the magic of Landour during the monsoon season.

Landour is a small village in the lush hills of Uttarakhand. It’s even more beautiful in the rain. Unlike its busy neighbor, Mussoorie, Landour is peaceful and quiet.

In the monsoon, the town turns into a green paradise with foggy mornings, lively plants, and the sweet sound of raindrops. Here are four things to do in Landour during the rainy season:

  • Enjoy the foggy mornings.
  • Explore the lush greenery.
  • Listen to the raindrops.
  • Take in the serene and peaceful atmosphere.

Take a Scenic Walk Through the Landour Loop

The Landour Loop is a must-see for anyone visiting Landour in Mussoorie. It’s a circular road that goes through the town, covering about 5 km. The loop offers stunning views of the hills and valleys, especially during the monsoon season.

Suggested Read: Landour to Mussoorie a picturesque walk that you do not want miss it 
Landour to Mussoorie
Landour to Mussoorie

Highlights of the Walk:

Lal Tibba: Start your walk at Lal Tibba, the highest point in Landour. On a clear day, you can see the majestic Himalayan peaks, including Nanda Devi and Kedarnath. During the rainy season, the clouds create a mystical ambiance.

St. Paul’s Church: This small, old church offers a quiet moment amid the hustle and bustle. The Gothic-style building and surrounding green gardens are perfect for photography lovers.

Sister’s Bazaar: Named after the nurses who worked during the British era at the nearby military sanitarium, this small marketplace is great for shopping. You can find handmade candles, local jams, organic products, and don’t forget to visit the iconic Landour Bakehouse for fresh baked treats.

Ivy Cottage: A historical spot where the famous author Ruskin Bond lives. You might not meet him, but walking past his house gives you a sense of the literary heritage associated with the place.

Why is it Special in the Rain?

During the rain, Landour’s forested lanes become even more enchanting. The monsoon showers drench the greenery, making the leaves look more vibrant. The earthy smell, the sound of raindrops hitting the leaves, and the occasional bird calls make the experience come alive. The mist that often wraps around the lanes adds a sense of mystery and romance to the journey.

Indulge in Local Cuisine

Landour’s food scene is a delightful mix of traditional Garhwali flavors and colonial influences. The monsoon season provides the perfect backdrop for enjoying these culinary treats.

Must-Try Places:

Char Dukan: This iconic quartet of shops is a landmark in Landour. They serve hot aloo parathas, pancakes, and bun Omelettes, which taste even better with the sound of falling rain.

Doma’s Inn: A cozy Tibetan eatery that serves delicious dishes like Momos, Thukpa, and other Tibetan cuisines. The warmth of the food contrasts beautifully with the cool, rainy weather outside.

Rokeby Manor: A charming hotel offering a mix of continental and Indian dishes in their restaurants. Enjoying a meal while gazing at the rain-soaked landscape through its rustic interiors is an unforgettable experience.

Why is it Special in the Rain?

The wet, cold weather makes us crave comforting hot meals. The local dishes are richly flavored and served in hearty portions, perfect for this environment.

Indulge in Local Cuisine

These eateries often have cozy interiors with colonial-era décor, enhancing the dining experience. It’s a wonderful way to spend a rainy day in Landour, enjoying delicious food in a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Visit Kellogg’s Church

Kellogg’s Church, officially known as St. Paul’s Church of Landour, is one of the oldest churches in Landour. Built in 1832, it is an architectural marvel with immense historical importance.

Exploring the Church:

Architectural Beauty: The church features Gothic architecture with pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses. Its stained glass windows, depicting various Biblical stories, look especially impressive against a dark, cloudy sky filled with rain.

Historical Significance: Named after Rev. Dr. Samuel H. Kellogg, a missionary who contributed significantly to translating the Bible into Hindi, the church houses old wooden pews and a serene altar. It offers a glimpse into the history and heritage of the area.

Why is it Special in the Rain?

During the monsoons, the church takes on a magical quality. The waterlogged walls, the sound of drizzling rain on the tiles, and the misty surroundings create a quiet and almost spiritual atmosphere. The silence and beauty make it a perfect place for contemplation and finding peace.

Explore the Jabarkhet Nature Reserve

Jabarkhet Nature Reserve is a haven for nature enthusiasts, especially captivating during the monsoons. The reserve boasts a wide range of flora and fauna, showcasing the real beauty of Landour in Mussoorie.

Activities in the Reserve:

Nature Trails: There are many paths to walk on, ranging from easy strolls to more challenging hikes. Each trail offers unique views and different plants and animals. For example, the Leopard Trail provides excellent scenic views and a chance to spot some wildlife.

Bird Watching: Numerous migratory birds visit the reserve during the monsoon season. Bring a pair of binoculars to enjoy observing these lovely creatures in their natural habitat.

Flora and Fauna: The area is rich in biodiversity, with various species of plants, insects, and animals. During the monsoons, the lush greenery and brightly colored wildflowers make the reserve look like a fairy tale.

Why is it Special in the Rain?

The rains bring the forest to life, adding lushness and vibrancy to the foliage. Mist often envelops the trails, making them intriguing and mysterious. The sound of rain enhances the excitement and sensory experience of exploring the reserve.


Namaste! I am Om. I am a licensed Tourist Guide ( Approved by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India), I’m originally from Varanasi. Now, I am living in Rishikesh. I set up this blog to share my tips and experiences for traveling to inspire and help you to travel more. Hari Om

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